1791 was the year it happened. I was 24, younger than you are now. But times were different then, I was a man at that age: the master of a large plantation just south of New Orleans. I had lost my wife in childbirth, and she and the infant had been buried less than half a year. I would have been happy of join them. I couldn't bear the pain of their loss. I longed to be released from it. I wanted to lose it all... my wealth, my estate, my sanity. My invitation was open to anyone. To the whore at my side. To the pimp that followed. But it was a vampire that accepted it.

The statue seemed to move, but didn't. The world had changed, yet stayed the same. I was a newborn vampire weeping at the beauty of the night.
En el diccionario infernal de 1803 dice: "Se da el nombre de upiers, upires o vampiros en Occidente, de brucolacos en Medio Oriente, y de katakhanes en Ceilán, a los hombres muertos y sepultados desde hace muchos días que regresan hablando, caminando, infectando a los pueblos, maltratando a los hombres y a los animales y, sobre todo, sorbiendo su sangre, debilitándolos y causándoles la muerte. Nadie puede librarse de su peligrosa visita si no es exhumándolos, cortándoles la cabeza y arrancándoles y quemándoles el corazón. Aquellos que mueren por causa del vampiro, se convierten a su vez en vampiros".
Her blood coursed through my veins sweeter than life itself. And as it did, Lestat's words made sense to me. I knew peace only when I killed and when I heard her heart in that terrible rhythm, I knew again what peace could be.
Aunque en la historia, la curiosidad humana por el vampirismo ha dado luz a obras como Vampiros de Hungría y los alrededores de Dom Agustín Calmet (siglo XVII) que se convirtió en una guía para protección y Drácula de Bram Stoker, quien se basó en las leyendas de la Europa Central y convirtió a su personaje en el rey de los vampiros.
How do we seem to you? Do you find us beautiful, magical? Our white skin, our fierce eyes? "Drink" you ask me, do you have any idea of the thing you will become?
El 2 de julio de 1931, se condenó por nueve asesinatos (y era sospechoso de otros más) a Peter Küten en la prisión de Klingelpütz, en Colonia. Peter actuó como un vampiro real, asesinaba a jóvenes haciéndoles una herida en la garganta con unas tijeras y luego de beber su sangre, los remataba.
Lestat killed two, sometimes three a night. A fresh young girl, that was his favorite for the first of the evening. For seconds, he preferred a gilded beautiful youth. But the snob in him loved to hunt in society, and the blood of the aristocrat thrilled him best of all.
Siempre es importante saber algo de historia. Llegamos entonces al libro de Annie Rice, sobre el cual se hizo esta cinta. No es el único libro de vampiros que ha escrito Annie y forma parte de una colección de invaluable valor.
You are beautiful my friend. Lestat must have wept when he made you.

Though the fire seemed to spread through the quarter, I stood on that deck, fearful he would come out again from the very river, like some monster, to destroy us both. And all the while, I thought, 'Lestat, you deserve your vengeance. You gave me the dark gift, and I delivered you into the hands of death for the second time.'
The world changes, we do not, there lies the irony that finally kills us.
Supongo que no todas las personas han bebido sangre. Yo no entro en ese grupo. Quizá por eso me gustan los vampiros. Es una película que recomiendo ampliamente. Dirigida por Neil Jordan, protagonizada por Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Kristen Dunst, Stephen Rea y Antonio Banderas, es una cinta que exige una admiración sincera por su calidad.
Evil is a point of view. God kills indiscriminately and so shall we. For no creatures under God are as we are, none so like him as ourselves.